Graduation 2023

Graduation will be held on June 27th at 1:30pm on the field of the Christopher Columbus High School Campus at 925 Astor Avenue RAIN OR SHINE.  All guests will be allowed entrance at 1:15pm.  Graduates should report to the auditorium at 12:30pm.  For guests not able to attend in person please use the streaming link below to watch our graduates live. 
Graduation Rehearsal will be Friday June 23 at 10:30am on the field Please be prepared to be outside the entire time so bring water. You will be getting your cap and gown at this time, so it is crucial that you attend.  You will be able to choose where you want to sit and who you want to sit with during the graduation ceremony at the rehearsal.  If you are not there your spot will be assigned for you. Please be on time because the longer we have to wait for everyone the longer this will take!!!!!